Thursday, September 8, 2011

It was a controlled demolotion

Conspiracy: The collapse was caused by controlled demolition.

Science: The film crew recorded the demolition of a college dormitory building to learn all that is involved in the process of prepping and loading. The first step was to expose the columns in order to attach explosives to them. The World Trade Center had 47 inner core columns that would have needed to be prepared. To cut the steel beams the demolition team used a shape charge, which is piece of copper apportioned to a shape-charged weapon. When an explosive is attached and ignited, the device implodes and forms a stream of liquid copper that cuts through the steel. A demolition of this scale would leave clear evidence behind, but no such traces were found at Ground Zero.

1 comment:

  1. This video is interesting as well. I think I know I job I want when I get older too :)
    ~Stewy~ (Collin Stewart)
