Monday, September 26, 2011

Scientific Method


  1. You use the Scientific Method in everyday life when you might not even know it! When my dog got sick I had to find a solution to find the object that contained the sickness or didn't make her feel right. So, on that note I had to try different types of food together. I tried different kinds of wet food and dry food. After, awhile I finally found out what she could eat and that also helped her stay fit! Now I realize that at the moment I was using the Scientific Method and I didn't have any idea that I was.

    ~ Brooke

  2. The scientific method is very import. You use it every day even if you might not notice it. I used the scientific method when I choose what to eat for dinner. Say that I have a soccer game the next day I have to eat a good dinner to give me energy. My hypothesis could be that pasta will give me more energy. Another week I could eat something else to see if that food gives me more energy. You use the scientific method so often in life you don’t even notice it.

    -Carissa Novelli

  3. Using the Scientific Method is something we do but don't even notice! Before I knew what the method even was, I used it! One day I was thinking about what would happen if I put bread with ketchup and then ate it...yeah it might sound pretty disgusting but I tested it out and it actually tastes pretty good..So we use this all the time, and now we know what we were doing!

  4. The scientific method is used in everyday life whether you know it or not. I had to use it when I wanted to figure out (question) Does showering in the morning vs. showering at night affect my BO levels? (Hypothesis)Showering in the morning eliminates my BO better than showering at night. So I tested it. On Monday I showered at night and found that it's kind of pointless because I sweat overnight.(I recorded this in a data table) Then on Tuesday I showered in the morning and found that I was fresh as a daisy, but almost missed the bus. (Also recorded in data table)I showered at night again on Wednesday and got the same results as Monday's. So using my findings I found that my hypothesis was correct. Showering in the morning does eliminate my BO better than showering at night. (However it makes you almost miss the bus, so have plenty of Hot Pockets and packs of Wisp handy) :)

    ~Stewy~ (Collin Stewart)

  5. I've realized that I use the scientific method when I play soccer. In soccer, the angle you kick the ball at can determine where the ball will go. At soccer the other day I saw that when one of my team mates took a corner kick, the angle she was standing helped the way the ball curved into the 18. Now I see that the scientific method is used on a day to day basis.
    -Samantha Cuva

  6. ^i agree with Brooke! You use scion tific method everyday without even noticing. For example: you take a test to find out whether your pool is cold or warm. You hypothesis that it is warm, because of the hot weather in summer time. Later on you hop in your pool and the water is warm. So there you have it, your hypothesis was correct! You use hints and knowledge to conclude your scientific method.

  7. Ohkay well I don't think my other comment I'll try this again. You use scientific method everyday without noticing. Not necessarily in a lab-scientific way, but just in life. For example: you want to see if your pool is warm or cold on a summer day. You hypothesis that it would be warm because of the hot humid weather. Later on you decide to hop in and you conclude that your hypothesis is right, the pool is warm. You use hints and facts (hot weather) to create your hypothesis.

  8. You tend to use Scientific Method in a lot of situations without realizing it. When I was little, in my old house there were always tons of ants on my front porch. I wanted to figure out a way to get rid of them. So I found a few (sticky) foods I thought would attract them and put each one out on the deck on separate days for about two days. After a week or two, I figured out which method was more efficient for trapping/killing the ants. I was so young and I had no idea what Scientific Method even was, but now I realize I was using it the whole time! :)


  9. Scientific method is used all the time in many places. In the future when scientists are trying to invent cool new things, they will need to use the scientific method. If scientists don't follow thee correct steps to a scientific method, then their experiment will fail. Which is what makes the scientific method so important.

    Ian Mastroianni

  10. As brook said you use the scientific method when you even dont know it. Like when I wanted to see what burns cleaner and better. I had A buitaine lighter and an old lighterflouid lighter so what I did was light them both for 30 seconds each and the buitain smelled less and had less smoake.

    Joe Browne per 6

  11. Everyday you use the scientific method, even if you don't know that you are. When i play football wit my friends and brothers I have to decide when to throw the football. I would have to make a hypothesis and ask myself if i should throw it now. Then when the guy is open i make my decision to throw it. And i hope that they catch it. That's how i use the scientific method in my life.

    Luke Anderson

  12. Every morning before school I do my hair. I recently realized that I use the scientific method every time I do this. Lets say I want my hair to be curly that day. So I might let my hair air dry and my hypothesis would be that my hair would become curly because of the humidity. Then depending on the outcome of my hair; I would see if I proved or disproved my hypothesis. That's one of the many ways I use the scientific method through out my day.
    -Madison Richards 8-3

  13. Scientific methods are in your everyday life. When i play basketball you have to think and hypothesize about the angle and strength tho shoot the ball at, if i correctly determine it i will score, so that's why the scientific method is important to me Charlie McKnight

  14. Everyone uses the scientific method even though the may not know it. For example, I find that I use the scientific method a lot when I ride my horses. I just got a new hors last week, and I'm still trying to figure out his quirks and just get used to him. I try different things while riding him to see how he will react, like squeezing him forward to see if it will make him go faster, or if holding a steady contact on his mouth from my hand will, as a result, make him round his top line and come up and use his hind end. I figured that he would, but I wasn't completely sure because all horses are different. However my assumption was right, because after working with him some more, I found that he rides a little like my other horse, which will help me ride him in the future. I used the scientific method without even thinking about it.
    Francesca DiGuglielmo

  15. You use scientific method everyday like Audrey and Luke said. Most of the time you don't even realize it. When I play tennis I need to time when the ball is going to hit the ground and where. And when my opponent is up towards the net I need to move farther back or the ball would get past me.
    *Gabrielle* Bingemann*

  16. I use the scientific method everyday getting ready for school. First I ask myself the question: What am I going to wear? Next I do my research. Which is looking at the weather, and looking through my closet. Then I make my hypothesis, which is, I will wear my purple shirt. Then I experiment, in which I try on a bunch of different clothes to see what looks best. Then i make my analysis, which is the blue shirt looks best. Then i come to my conclusion. I will wear the blue shirt. And that is my everyday interpretation of the scientific method.

    ~~Gabby Magasic

  17. Even if you don't notice it, the scientific method is a very common thing. If you have any type of question, and you test it to get the answer, you have used the scientific method right there. An example of when I used one was at Dorney Park, in the Wildwater Kingdom. I wasn't sure which water slide would go the fastest, the red, the white, or the blue. I went on the blue first, and saw that it was very fast. Then I tried the red. Finding that it was kind of slow. Finally I tested the white slide, and it turned out to be really fast. My hypothesis was that the blue would be the quickest, and I disproved that. The white slide was the quickest in that set of 3 slides.

    ~~Alyssa Matchett~~
    per. 3

  18. I use the scientific method just like Gabby said! It helps find out what Im going to wear. Even though I dont notice that im using the scientific method to pick my cloths i do all of the steps.

    -Olivia Harris

  19. I use the scientific method every day! When I wake up, I have to decide to do that. Then research is next. Do I have to do anything that takes up time before school like shower or do homework that I forgot? And then I form a hypothesis, “If I wake up later, I will have less time to do what I need to do.” Then, I experiment with waking up at different times (6:10, 6:20, etc.) And finally I form a conclusion.
    Another example is when I test my blood sugar. First I take my blood sugar and say, “Should I eat a carby food or a more protein filled food?” It depends if my sugar is high or not. That’s my research. Then my hypothesis,”If I eat a more carby food, my sugar will go higher.” Next I experiment with different breakfasts foods (eggs, cereal, peanut butter toast, etc.) Finally, the conclusion is last.
    Laura Pfeffer(:

  20. You use the scientific method all the time even if you don’t realize it. For example, when I was at swim practice, I wondered if when I did my flip turn, if I would flip faster if I tucked myself in tighter. So on my next lap I tucked myself tighter and got off the wall faster than I did before.

    Kasey Williams

  21. The scientific method is very important and you use it everyday even if you dont notice it. You dont even realize it. Like everyone else said you use the scientific method for almost everything you do.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  22. i use the scientific method every day. in fact i am using it right now trying to think of what i will write. and i use it for other things too such as how i can build my train set first i have to figure out the plans for the layout, next i get my tools and materials, and finally i start to build it. soo i use it all the time manily when i build with my trains.

    --matthew jac schwalbe

  23. Using the scientific method is a no brainer! You do that kind of thing everyday. Like just the other day, (after i was done my homework) i started wondering how my sister would react if i left my stuff on the couch (that would've been the third day in the row). So without thinking i made the hypothesis that she would be madder than the day before. My memory served as the research, then i experimented. When she came home, she was angerier than the day before. my hypothesis was correct. the next day i did the same test but i cleaned up my mess before she got home. when she did she was releaved! so in conclusion she gets angry when i leave my stuff on the couch, but i can releave a lot of stress by cleaning up my messes.


  24. Everyday you have to use the scientific method. Like when I play football you have to aim where you want to throw the ball. You use the scientific method in almost every sport. When you play basketball you have to aim and shoot at the right angle when your trying to score. If you didn't use the scientific method, you wouldn't know how to approach stuff. By Michael Romanchak

  25. The scientific method is used in everyday life. When your about to walk outside and the people in front of you don't have a jacket on and start shivering you go through the steps without noticing it. You make the hypothesis that it is cold. No materials are needed. The you experiment for yourself which is to go outside and check for yourself. It is cold so your hypothesis is correct.

    Nick George

  26. I use scientific method when I’m doing my homework. I decide which subject will take the longest and shortest. My hypothesis is that Social Studies will take the longest. When I finished all of my homework. Social Studies did take the longest and my hypothesis was correct.

    ~Alizabeth Dinsmore

  27. People use scientific method all the time including myself. During a baseball game you have to ask yourself what the pitcher is going to throw, a fasteball, curveball, changeup, ect. Your research is you think of how he throws each pitch differently. As you see it come out of his arm your hypothesis is that it will be a curveball. Then experiment see the break of the pitch and the speed. After that, your analysis is that you have to wait longer to hit the ball. Lastly your conclusion is you hit the ball to right field for a single.

    brett barnes

  28. I use the scientific method like every few minutes. Yesterday I had a soccer of soccer games and we were winning. I kept on asking myself " What if the other team goes on a break away?", What will i do? Well i was doing research to see if the girls were fast and had skill. I make a hypothesis and i came up with, " If I come out hard it will make the girl nervous and she will kick the ball away or i will get it." I turns out they had a couple of break aways and i took that information in and used it and I blocked both of them and we won the game!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Adriana Tirado

  29. I use the scientific method all the time without realizing it. For example, in gymnastics, when I am having a hard time getting a skill, I think about what I could do different. I use advice from my coaches and my prior knowledge from similar skills to figure out what I should change. I may have to try a few things, but I figure it out eventually!
    Emily Gardner

  30. We use the scientific method all the time and we don't even notice it. Like what I are goin to eat in the morning. Am I going to eat pancakes, waffles or cereal today? Then for the hypothesis I might say waffles. Next for your experiment I might try alittle bit of all foods. Then I decide to have pancakes instead. Last for my conclusion. I have pancakes and that is when I use the scientific method.
    Michael Bresan

  31. I use the scientific method over like 10 times a day. Today i noticed that during my softball game. I was throwing a screwball and i was only moving a little. So I was thinking if i held my grip tighter on the laces if it would move more. The next time my coach called a screwball I tightened my grip around the laces. Yes, the ball move so much better and i got the girl out. Turned out that it did work and my hypothesis was correct.
    Maggie Mitchell(;

  32. You use the scientific method all of the time without even realizing it. I do when I get dressed in the morning. I use it to decide whether or not to wear long sleeves or short, jeans or shorts, and so on based on the temperature outside and which colors correspond with which. I disproved it once when I wore shorts when it was really cold outside and I was freezing all day long. Now I know that I need to wear long pants in cold weather because I had disproved my hypothesis before.
    -Jordan Hill (Per.6)

  33. Everyday the scientific method is used. Not only did I know, but I use it everyday. When I ride my horse, I need to know how he feels when he jumps. Different jumps take a different jump to jump them clear. I always think which one I would need more leg on and which one I can let him pick. I used it today, with this log. I jumped it once, thinking he would pick his own distance. My hypothesis was wrong, we chipped in. So the second time we jumped it, I told him to get it short, and we jumped it clear. I use the scientific method in so many ways without knowing it.
    Breana Dunn

  34. I use the Scientific Method when eating different pizza. First I get some pizza, then I make an hypothesis. Mine was the taco pizza was better than the cheesesteaks. Then I experiment by tasting them. I analyze the taste and record it. Then I make the conclusion that cheesesteak pizza is better than taco.
    Jacob Uscinowicz

  35. I use the scientific method all the time without even knowing! Like Gabe, when I play lacrosse, after I shoot the ball into the goal I know if it was a solid shot or not.So, I find my sweet spot and figure where I shoot best. Then, I figure out what the play would look like in a game with a defender,so I test the expireament!
    :)Evie Brody:)

  36. Every morning before school I do my hair. I recently realized that I use the scientific method every time I do this. Lets say I want my hair to be stright that day, So I might let my hair air dry. my hypothesis would be that my hair would become frizzy because of the humidity. Then depending on what my hair looks likeI would see if I proved or disproved my hypothesis. That's one of the many ways I use the scientific method through out my day. Other poeple use it in other ways two.
    Adriana Walsh

  37. you use the scientific method everyday you just may not realize it for example when playing man hunt and your hiding you may hide under a light and be found quickly the next time you may decide to hid in the middle of a field with out a light shining on you you may also hide in a bush and not be found for a while you would conclude that hiding in a bush and not under a light is the way to go!
    ~~lauren delp~~

  38. I use scinetific method everyday when i play basketball. I relized i have to angle my shot so the ball goes in the hoop. This video helped me understand the process of scientific method.
    -matt mileszko-

  39. the scientific method it's like the balls dropping at the same time making. The mass the same but the weight is different.

    ---Branden Wyzykowski-----

  40. You use the scientific method every day, even if you don't know it. Like when I play lacrosse i got to know on when to slide, when to go for the ground ball, when should i pass it and who to, and when to shoot the ball.

    Quinn Jeffrey Gidzinski
    per. 3

  41. Sometimes we don't realize we use scientific method. Like what Matt said you could be trying to angle your shoot but don't realize your using that method. Really it's just a more exact way of trying to perform a task.
    Matt Mozitis

  42. everyone uses the scientific method everyday. i use it in soccer when im trying to get rid of the ball. if i go one way it with go to the other team but the other direction it will most likely go to my team.
    :)caitlin elle lange(:

  43. The scientific method is used everywhere as everyone above has said. Its imports to make decisions big or small. If its life changing or if its just should I eat this now or later. In the situation if I get hunger at night I don't eat if its late because when I'm asleep I don't burn many calories then when I'm awake.
    hannah knight

  44. You use the scientific theory every day and don't even realize it. Like when i'm watching TV and I go to a certain channel and think what's gonna be on? So maybe it's gonna be spongebob or maybe its going to be strawberry shortcake. Well my hypothesis is that spongebob will be on. So when I turn that channel on and see spongebob I see that my hypothesis was right. So you can see that you use scientific theory for almost anything.
    Nick Ciquero
