Thursday, September 8, 2011

Science vs. Conspiracy 9/11


Official Story: The collapse was caused by fire initially fed by the jet fuel from the planes.

Testing the Official Story: Using original construction blueprints, photographs, and construction data, Purdue University, along with the American Society of Civil Engineers, created a model structure of the north World Trade Center tower and a scaled 767 jetliner. To model the fuel load, Purdue launched aluminum cans filled with liquid to represent an airline wing colliding with a steel column. The final simulation showed the internal destruction of supporting columns, the disintegration of the jetliner, the atomizing of the fuel, and the resulting fires that softened the steel framework of the building and brought it down.

Conspiracy: The fire could not have gotten hot enough to melt the steel.

Science: The Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) designed explosives to test the effects of burning jet fuel on steel. EMRTC used a bare steel beam because the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports that much of the any fireproofing material would have been knocked off at the moment of impact. Within two minutes of igniting the fuel, the temperature peaked just above 2,000 Fahrenheit and complete structural failure occurred in less than four minutes.

1 comment:

  1. This video was very interesting in my opinion. Up until I watched this I did not really know what all the fuss was about 9/11 . Yeah so what a plane crashed into a building, building fell, lives were lost. Boo Hoo Sad face :( But now I really understand what happened and why it changed so many people's lives. Now my sad face is genuine:.(

    On a side note I just want to express how happy I am that we have another blog, because the blog last year changed my life really. I understand that since this is a science blog there will not be as much freedom as there was on our old blog but I have a feeling I will enjoy commenting on this blog just as much as last year maybe even more.
    ~Stewy~ (FYI Mrs.Scott Stewy is my nickname and also my signature for blogs and forums. I think you can tell that Stewy sounds like Stewart, so you know who I am :) )
